- Predicting loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) abundance in the North Western Mediterranean Sea
Par Matthieu Authier (Université de La Rochelle) - Modélisation spatiale de l'abondance de tiques Ixodes ricinus : comparaison OpenBUGS et INLA
Par Séverine Bord (INRA) - Mixture modeling and Bayesian statistics to answer the main questions in biological retrospective dosimetry
Par Sophie Ancelet (IRSN) - The stochastic topic block model for the analysis of networks with textual edges
Par Pierre Latouche (Université Paris 1) - General Unified Threshold model of Survival (GUTS) under time variable chemical exposure: a comparison of Bayesian implementation with integration of ODEs in R using JAGS or Stan
Par Virgile Baudrot (CNRS) - Bayesian nonparametrics for dummies
Par Judith Rousseau (Université Paris Dauphine) - Model & data-based prediction of the future dynamics of Xylella fastidiosa in Corsica
Par Candy Abboud (INRA) - Utility-based optimization of phase II / phase III clinical development
Par Jihane Aouni (Université de Montpellier et Sanofi)
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AgroParisTech ; Amphi COLEOU ; 16, rue Claude Bernard ; 75005 Paris
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